Mr. Leight

Mr. Leight


California, USA


Mr Leight is the unity of two of eyewear’s most well-known names, father and son, Larry Leight (Founder and Creative Director of Oliver Peoples) and Garrett Leight (Founder and Creative Director of Garrett Leight California Optical).


Bridging multiple generations of design and craftsmanship, Mr Leight reflects the spectrum of their joint knowledge and expertise in the industry, crafting superlative contemporary designs like no other.

Mr. Leight represents a perfect union of Larry’s decades-long history working with the finest eyewear craftsmen in the world, and Garrett Leight’s entrepreneurial spirit and uncompromising contemporary vision. Irrespective of their individual styles, both Larry and Garrett share an ingrained desire to create impeccable, iconic eyewear that exceeds seasonal trends.​

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Key Features

Crafted in Japan, Mr Leight frames encapsulate exquisite details with unmatched technical precision to construct quietly unexpected, undeniably beautiful, and completely timeless designs, made for a lifetime of use.​


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